First Meal!
My baby boy Jao turned 4 months today. I'm sure all moms out there know that at this stage, babies can do so much. Already Jao can follow moving objects with his (big beady) eyes, rollover to his stomach and back, balance his head well, grab whatever he can (and puts it in his mouth), and cry his heart and lungs out! Yep, my boy can cry. I think babies are amazing, even with the crying.
When our pediatrician told me two weeks ago that we would be introducing solids on his fourth month, I got really excited. I had then been in the grocery store a couple of times deciding what cereal to get. So many choices! After a few more trips, I finally made a decision.
So this morning, Jao had his first cereal meal! He was kind of resistant at first but after a while, he finally gave in. I am so proud!
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